How to Set “customWorkspace” with an Environment Variable in Jenkins
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How to Set “customWorkspace” with an Environment Variable in Jenkins

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If you’re tired of Jenkins defaulting to the workspace directory and want to take control of where your builds are run, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore how to set the “customWorkspace” with an environment variable in Jenkins, giving you the flexibility and customization you need for your builds.

Why Do I Need to Set a Custom Workspace?

By default, Jenkins creates a workspace directory for each job, which can lead to a cluttered file system and make it difficult to manage your builds. By setting a custom workspace, you can:

  • Organize your builds in a specific directory
  • Avoid clutter in the default Jenkins workspace directory
  • Easily switch between different environments or projects
  • Improve performance by reducing the number of files in the workspace

What is an Environment Variable?

In Jenkins, environment variables are a way to pass values to your builds, allowing you to customize the build process and make it more flexible. Environment variables can be set at the job level, node level, or globally, and can be accessed from within your build scripts.

Think of environment variables like a set of instructions that tell Jenkins how to behave. In this case, we’ll use an environment variable to tell Jenkins where to create the custom workspace.

Setting the Custom Workspace with an Environment Variable

Now that we’ve covered the why and what, let’s dive into the how. To set the custom workspace with an environment variable in Jenkins, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a New Environment Variable

In your Jenkins instance, navigate to the job you want to modify and click on the “Configure” button. Scroll down to the “Environment variables” section and click on the “Add” button.

In the “Name” field, enter a descriptive name for your environment variable, such as “CUSTOM_WORKSPACE”. In the “Value” field, enter the path where you want Jenkins to create the custom workspace.

Value: /path/to/custom/workspace

Click “Save” to save the new environment variable.

Step 2: Update the Jenkinsfile

In your Jenkinsfile, you’ll need to update the “workspace” directive to reference the custom workspace environment variable. Here’s an example:

pipeline {
  agent any

  environment {
    CUSTOM_WORKSPACE = '/path/to/custom/workspace'

  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      workspace "${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}"
      steps {
        // Your build steps go here

In this example, we’re setting the “workspace” directive to reference the “CUSTOM_WORKSPACE” environment variable. Make sure to update the path to match the value you set in Step 1.

Step 3: Save and Run Your Job

Save your Jenkinsfile and run your job. Jenkins will now create the custom workspace in the specified directory, and your build will run from there.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues with your custom workspace, here are some troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the environment variable is set correctly and spelled correctly in both the “Environment variables” section and the Jenkinsfile.
  • Verify that the path you specified in the environment variable exists and is writable by Jenkins.
  • Check the Jenkins logs for any error messages related to the custom workspace.


Setting a custom workspace with an environment variable in Jenkins is a powerful way to take control of your builds and improve your workflow. By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to create a more organized and efficient build process.

Remember to keep your environment variables organized and well-documented, and to test your builds thoroughly to ensure they’re working as expected. Happy building!

Environment Variable Description
CUSTOM_WORKSPACE Path to the custom workspace directory

Note: This article is intended for users with a basic understanding of Jenkins and pipeline scripts. If you’re new to Jenkins, we recommend starting with the official Jenkins documentation and tutorials.

Keyword density: 1.2%

Word count: 1046

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secret to setting up a custom workspace in Jenkins using environment variables!

Q: What is the benefit of setting a custom workspace in Jenkins?

Setting a custom workspace in Jenkins allows you to define a specific directory where your project files will be checked out, making it easier to manage and organize your builds. This can be particularly useful when working with large projects or teams!

Q: How do I set an environment variable in Jenkins?

To set an environment variable in Jenkins, you can use the “Prepare an environment for the run” option in the job configuration. Simply add a new environment variable, give it a name, and specify its value. You can then reference this variable in your Jenkinsfile or scripts using the ${VARIABLE_NAME} syntax!

Q: What is the syntax to set a custom workspace using an environment variable in Jenkins?

The syntax to set a custom workspace using an environment variable in Jenkins is: customWorkspace = ${VARIABLE_NAME}. Replace VARIABLE_NAME with the actual name of your environment variable. For example, if your environment variable is named CUSTOM_WORKSPACE, the syntax would be: customWorkspace = ${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE}.

Q: Can I use a custom workspace with a pipeline job in Jenkins?

Yes, you can use a custom workspace with a pipeline job in Jenkins! Simply add the customWorkspace directive to your Jenkinsfile, and specify the environment variable as its value. For example: pipeline { agent any; customWorkspace = ${CUSTOM_WORKSPACE} }. This will tell Jenkins to use the custom workspace defined by the environment variable.

Q: Are there any limitations to using a custom workspace with environment variables in Jenkins?

While using a custom workspace with environment variables in Jenkins is a powerful feature, there are some limitations to be aware of. For example, if you’re using a pipeline job, you may need to ensure that the environment variable is defined before the custom workspace is set. Additionally, if you’re using a shared workspace, you may need to take steps to ensure that the custom workspace is properly cleaned up after each build. Be sure to review the Jenkins documentation for more information on using custom workspaces with environment variables!